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#Atlantis y #Lemuria
Quantum Healing Today Interview JLF SULLIVAN, Author, Child of the Universe, the Gift of the Stars

Quantum Healing Today Interview JLF SULLIVAN, Author, Child of the Universe, the Gift of the Stars

JLF Sullivan, Author, Child of the Universe, The Gift of the Stars Buy on Amazon: Buy 'The Gift of the Stars' on Amazon: Find more about JLF Sullivan here! You can find the transcripts from Jen's sessions here* Sarah Breskman Cosme's Hypnotist Journey to Atlantis: #qhht #dolorescannon #selfhealing #CHILDOFTHEUNIVERSE #thegiftofthestars #author #atlantis #lemuria #writer #healer #books #amazon #kindle #lightworker #starseed #newyork #florida #keys #hypnosis #quantumhealing #disclosure #wearedisclosure #ancienthistory #regression #reveal #research #revelations #ancienthistory #wearedisclosure #history #hurricane #ebook #paperback #hardcover #online #connect #audio #quantum #sarahbreskmancosme #hypnotist #sumerian #pastlives #anotherlife #hybrid #human #earth #thebeginning #experiment #science #redcrystal #believer #spirituality #testimonial #rememberwhoyouare #selfpublisher #publisher #quantumhealingtoday #podcast #interview #international Find More about Melanie Aguirre here:
A Hypnotist’s Journey To Understanding the Atlantis-UFO Connection -BoulderExo presentation

A Hypnotist’s Journey To Understanding the Atlantis-UFO Connection -BoulderExo presentation

Sarah Breskman Cosme is a certified Master Hypnotist, a level 3 QHHT practitioner, a student of Dr. Brian Weiss, and the author of the groundbreaking book “A HYPNOTIST’S JOURNEY TO ATLANTIS.” Sarah graduated with a BS in psychology from Northeastern University. After graduating she worked at a halfway house for mentally ill patients. She saw first hand how the use of pharmaceuticals didn’t work as well as promised and went about searching for a better method to help people. She then discovered hypnosis, a method by which a person can make changes with the help of their subconscious mind. Sarah began her unsuspected journey into the world of UFOs through regressing her clients with the use of past life regression hypnosis. Surprisingly what was uncovered was a new understanding of UFO crashes, the seeding of planets, and the understanding of who we really are and why we are here. “We are an ancient grouping of beings who have come from different planets and have continuously moved from planet to planet in order to see what the next and the next will be, to continuously evolve and to spread throughout the Universe, so that we may never be alone.” Author JLF Sullivan was first introduced to past life regression hypnosis in 2018 by chance after traditional medicine failed to cure a painful neurological disorder. Sullivan’s personal journey into the world of past lives and healing has been detailed in her recently published debut novel “Child Of The Universe.” Before her fortuitous encounter with the metaphysical, JLF Sullivan worked as a journalist in Europe and the Middle, and also as a non-profit community organizer and middle school teacher in the Florida Keys. JLF Sullivan holds a Masters Degree in International Journalism from City University of London and an MSc in Development Studies from SOAS University of London, as well as a BA from Fordham University in International Relations. Currently, she is working on her second book and developing a Past Lives Forum on her website to help connect those who have past life memories of their existences in Atlantis and Lymuria. Friday, July 30, 2021 6-8:30 pm
A Queen of Lemuria | Recalling a Past Live by JLF Sullivan

A Queen of Lemuria | Recalling a Past Live by JLF Sullivan

English/Spanish Interview. JLF Sullivan share her amazing story from losing her home after hurricane Irma hits Florida and she started to lose her eyesight, dizziness, headaches and more symptoms and after many test is being diagnosed with a Cerebri Tumor. A tumor that cannot be remove by surgery and taking many different pharmaceuticals seems to worse instead of helping. She decides to look for a different approach through Hypnosis and a technique developed by Dolores Cannon and meeting a practitioner Sarah Breksman Cosme had many session where Jenn begin her healing journey and discovering that an intense past life as a member of a royal family in ancient civilization of Lymuria and Atlantis (50 000 aprox years ago) witnessing the struggles of both civilizations dealing with a pandemic ( her session began in 2018 before our pandemic !!!), technology, crystals, human hybrids, origin of ancient aliens and ultimately their own destruction but leaving an important message to our times and more described in her book "A Child Of The Universe". JLF Sullivan comparte su increíble historia desde que pierde su hogar cuando el huracán Irma golpea la península de Florida y ella comienza a tener síntomas como ceguera, mareos, dolores de cabeza, después de varias pruebas clínicas descubren que tiene un tumor cerebral. Un tumor que es inoperable y se somete a tratamiento de fármacos que en vez de ayudarla solo empeora su salud; así que decide buscar por otras alternativas como la Hipnosis de Sanación Cuántica desarrollada por Dolores Cannon y conoce a la terapeuta Sara Breksman Cosme y tienen una serie de sesiones donde su sanación y descubre que tiene una vida pasada muy in tensa como miembro de la familia real en la antigua civilización de Lemuria y Atlantis (Aproximadamente 50 000 años de antigüedad ) siendo testigo de los retos de las dos civilizaciones con pandemia (Sus sesiones comenzaron en 2018 antes de nuestra pandemia!!!) tecnología, cristales, humanos híbridos , el origen de la civilización por antiguos extraterrestres y últimamente su destrucción pero dejando un importante mensaje para nuestros tiempos y mucho más descrito en su libro "A Child of The Universe" (Un Infante del Universo). For more information about Jlf Sullivan visit her website Watch the complete interview
Vidas pasadas en Atlántida y Lemuria | JLF Sullivan

Vidas pasadas en Atlántida y Lemuria | JLF Sullivan

JLF Sullivan es el autor de los libros "La hija del universo" y "El regalo de las estrellas", Jenn se sintió obligada a escribir después de una serie de sesiones de Hipnosis de Sanación Cuántica y Vidas Pasadas (QHHT) en un intento por curar una condición neurológica de un tumor cerebral que no había respondido a los fármacos. Las regresiones a vidas pasadas que comenzaron a ayudar a curar la condición y al mismo tiempo contaron la historia apocalíptica de la reina de la civilización antigua de Lemuria que yace perdida para siempre bajo una gran ola cataclísmica. El subsecuente secuestro de la Reina y 60 años de prisión en Atlantis finalmente ocasionan la destrucción misteriosa de la avanzada civilización. "Child Of The Universe" (Hija del universo), despliega una historia alterna de nuestros humildes comienzos en este planeta, y parte como una advertencia de los paralelos apocalípticos que nos rodean mientras nos embarcamos en un futuro aprensivo: “Quizás fue mejor que esta historia permaneciera encerrada dentro de mí desde los grandes cataclismos, pero ahora mi historia ya no puede permanecer enterrada, debe descansar de una vez por todas. Tengo la esperanza de que al compartir esto contigo, mi historia nos libere de este ciclo de destrucción en el que nos hemos enredado ... Tal vez tú también hayas soñado con la gran ola de Amón, con su enorme tamaño y solo para convertirse en tu tumba de agua... o quizás los misterios que rodean la destrucción de la Atlántida han llamado su atención una y otra vez. Es mi mayor deseo que podamos recordar y comprender nuestra historia perdida para que podamos liberarnos de la amnesia que rodea a nuestros humildes comienzos. Hay algo que no puedes negar, algo que has sentido durante todos tus días que te dice que estás conectado a algo más grande. Las vidas que vivimos ahora y las del pasado largo tiempo olvidado comenzarán a mostrar su verdadera relación mientras viajamos juntos de regreso a las tierras de Lemuria y Atlántida ".
JLF Sullivan: Myths, Legends, Truths, & Stories Regarding Atlantis & Lemuria (SHORT VERSION)

JLF Sullivan: Myths, Legends, Truths, & Stories Regarding Atlantis & Lemuria (SHORT VERSION)

Get astrology readings from some of the best in the business with a subscription to Authority Astrology at Full 63 minute interview accessible to Patreon subscribers at Show archives at where you can donate to the host. My guest on the August 5, 2022 edition of Nature Of Reality Radio is JLF Sullivan. Her bio, taken from her site reads: In 2017 my entire life came crashing down on me like a rogue wave. My family and I fled Hurricane Irma, only to return and find our home and businesses destroyed by the devastating Category 4 storm. For over a year we had no choice but to raise our children on our front lawn, surrounded by mountains of toxic debris, as we waited for the help our government and insurance companies promised us through lying teeth. With no other options, we began to sort through the toxic remains to see what of our life could be salvaged and rebuilt. It felt like we had been abandoned and left to rot in the festering remains of the life we had worked so hard for. A few months into our ordeal, I woke up one morning to find the vision in my right eye was nearly gone. It looked like a large crescent shape was burned into my sight. My doctors informed me I had developed a condition called Pseudotumor Cerebri, and my loss of sight was due to pressure on my brain from an excess of cerebrospinal fluid. I was told the condition mimics a brain tumor and could lead to permanent blindness and stroke. Doctors are still not sure what causes this condition, but I believe my toxic exposure during the hurricane’s aftermath was an instigating factor. For months I tried many medications and invasive procedures to reduce the swelling around my brain. After several failed attempts to control my vision loss using the best care my insurance was willing to pay for, I was offered to try a different approach. In the fall of 2018, I first tried a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session. I had never heard of this type of hypnosis before, but I had always been intrigued by the subject of past life regression. I was open-minded and willing to try this unorthodox approach. I needed to find something that would help, as I feared how my worsening condition would affect my young children as well as the ability to rebuild my home and business. In the aftermath of my first session, I felt an immense relief of pressure from behind my eyes and felt a wave of stress lifted from my body. Within a few months, my eyesight returned and I began in many ways to see myself clearly for the first time. Now that the door to my mind had been opened, I wanted to know more. Over the next two years, I was guided on numerous quantum hypnosis sessions, each bringing new light and understanding to a life I believe I lived on Earth before documented history. While I am usually a very private person, the past life we discovered is one that I am compelled to share, as I believe the process of uncovering it has as much healing power in it for others as it did for me. Every day I am grateful for this experience I have had, and am now even thankful for the rogue wave that crashed into my life. Without it, I would have been stuck in a destiny not meant for me. I have found my true self through this process, as well as what may possibly be an alternative understanding of our origin on this planet. My story, "Child Of The Universe" is the first book in a new series that is based on my past life regressions with Hypnotist Sarah Breskman Cosme, and the transcripts of our recorded sessions from 2018-2021.
New information of Atlantis and Lemuria being revealed, never been talked about before.

New information of Atlantis and Lemuria being revealed, never been talked about before.

In this episode, I interview Sarah and Jen on their new books of the Lost City of Atlantis and Lemuria. Journey with us to find out new information about Atlantis, get the clues to our Ancient History. Sarah's book is set up like Dolores Cannon's book with the conversation between the client and herself. Sarah and Jen's book also discuss our ancient past and man kinds missing history on how the Earth was visited. Please subscribe so you don't miss out on any new videos about our ancient past and lost knowledge. Here are the links to the following books: A Hypnotist's Journey to Atlantis by Sarah: Child of the Universe by JLF Sullivan: Guardians of Magic (1st book): Guardians of Magic (2nd book): Here are the links for the Websites: Sarah's: Jen's: Guardians of Magic: For the Newsletter: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ More videos from Guardians of Magic Atlantis vs New Earth and the Current Earth: A past life in Lemuria and Atlantis: G.O.M. Merchandise (SWAG): For more details about G.O.M. please visit the website: Please Subscribe: YouTube Channel: Equipment used in this video: Logitech HD Pro Webcam: Yeti Blue Mic: DISCLAIMER: This description contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for your support!
Quantum Hypnosis, Atlantis and Lemuria - JLF Sullivan (Clip)

Quantum Hypnosis, Atlantis and Lemuria - JLF Sullivan (Clip)

For entire video go to: Author JLF Sullivan’s personal journey into the world of past lives and healing has been detailed in her debut novel “Child Of The Universe,” and in the book "A Hypnotist's Journey To Atlantis" by Sarah Breskman Cosme. Before her fortuitous encounter with the metaphysical, JLF Sullivan worked as a journalist in America, Europe, and the Middle East, and also as a business owner and middle school teacher in the Florida Keys. JLF Sullivan holds an MA in International Journalism from London's City University, an MSc in Development Studies from the University of London (SOAS), as well as a BA from Fordham University in International Studies. Currently, she is working on her second book, "The Gift Of The Stars," a continuation to "Child Of The Universe" and is building an off-grid homestead in Hawai'i with her family. Get Jen's Books at: if you found this content beneficial please consider donating: Or maybe Join the Patreon for bonus content New Unreleased shows every week for less than a cup of coffee: Help me keep making videos! Check out what I'm selling: Typical skeptic podcast t shirts: For more typical skeptic podcast interviews go to: Tachyon Living - and use code skeptic free gift for a free gift -Book a reading with Debra Moffit Intuitive readings:Use Code TSP2023 -Natural Shilajit and Monoatomic Gold from Healthy Nutrition LLC.use code: ROB And my affiliate link to share: -Starseed Activators Coupon Code TypicalSkepticP #atlantis #lemuria #qhht #hypnosis #podcast #typical_skeptic
Jen Sullivan Interview about Lifetimes in Lemuria and Atlantis

Jen Sullivan Interview about Lifetimes in Lemuria and Atlantis

Jen Sullivan Interview about Lifetimes in Lemuria and Atlantis. Jen Sullivan Contact Information: Jen's Books: Child of the Universe The Gift Of The Stars -- Ileana the Star Traveler Contact Ileana for a private energy healing, psychic reading, spiritual session, courses or book Ileana for speaking or interviews, please contact Ileana through her website Messages from a Star Traveler Mystic Arts & Healing: Consider buying her book "Crystal Grids: The Art of Healing with Crystals", Ileana’s book is available on Amazon in print version worldwide and on her website in PDF copy. Link to PDF copy of book: Cosmic History of Us Galactic Humans in the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies Volume 1 (Black and White Interior inside the book) Amazon Paperback Link: Cosmic History of Us Galactic Humans: A Gift from Our Star Journeys Volume 1 (Color Interior inside the book) Amazon Paperback Link: Link to PDF copy of book in color: Cosmic History of Us Galactic Humans in the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies Volume 2 (Black and White Interior inside the book) Amazon Paperback Link: Cosmic History of Us Galactic Humans: A Gift from Our Star Journeys Volume 2 (Color Interior inside the book) Amazon Paperback Link: Link to PDF copy of book in color: Ileana's Star Journeys with the UFO's, ET's, SSP's and Past Lifetimes Volume 1 (Black and White Interior inside the book) Amazon Paperback Link: Star Traveler's Experiences with UFO's, ET's, SSP's and Past Lifetimes Volume 1 (Color Interior inside the book) Amazon Paperback Link: Link to PDF copy of book in color: Ileana's Star Journeys with the UFO's, ET's, SSP's and Past Lifetimes Volume 2 (Black and White Interior inside the book) Amazon Paperback Link: Star Traveler's Experiences with UFO's, ET's, SSP's and Past Lifetimes Volume 2 (Color Interior inside the book) Amazon Paperback Link: Link to PDF copy of book in color: ​ Messages from a Star Traveler Research Archive Vol. 1 Link to PDF copy of book: Ileana’s Messages from a Star Traveler Notifications & Blog: Join Ileana’s Spiritual Group on Facebook: Copyright 2023 - Ileana the Star Traveler - Awakening Cosmic Reality Show - All Rights reserved. It is illegal to copy or use any portion of this video without consent from Ileana the Star Traveler.


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